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Are you a blogoholic?

Wikepedia Wiktionary defines a blogoholic as a person addicted to blogging.

Though the definition doesn't specify if the blogoholic is a writer reader or both.
Being a denier of actually having the illness, I'll assume it's both.

How do you know if you are a blogoholic?

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself.
  1. Do you write in your blog within an hour of waking up in the morning?
  2. Do you own more than one blog?
  3. Do you blog more than once a day?
  4. Do you visit more than 10 other blogs in a day?
  5. Do you love to comment?
  6. Do you subscribe to more than 2 forms of social networking?
  7. Do you think about what you're going to blog about while you are at a restaurant, shopping or walking the dog?
  8. Has your blogging interrupted you TV watching?
  9. Have you made more than 5 blog buddies?
  10. Do you subscribe to more than 5 RSS or newsletters from blogs?
If you answered yes to more than 8 of these questions than you may have a blogoholic issue.
If you answered yes to 4-7 of these questions you may be heading toward a blogoholic issue.
If you answered yes to 1-3 of these questions than you are mildly affected by blogging.
If you answered yes to none of these questions than you are in denial and should re-answer.

So what's wrong with being a blogoholic?
Well, nobody has actually done any studies, that I know of and nobody has actually published any data on how blogging can become an addictive disease. As a matter of fact, this entire post is strictly for enjoyment purposes and should not be taken seriously.

My guess is that blogging can be good for you so, heck, keep on blogging. Who cares about wasting what others can term "productive work time"?

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