It is very important to use META Tags if you expect to be found in most search engines. META Tags are not the only thing search engines will look at when ranking your sites. Some search engines will ignore META Tags completely. Most search engines will also index your body text.
Meta elements provide information about a given webpage or blog most often to help search engines categorize them correctly. They are not visible to visitors but, they are important in getting them.
Search engine optimization (SEO), rely on meta data to correctly classify a web page . Search engine optimization can improve search engine ranking,and thus, more visitors .
To add meta tags, go to the html link from your layout tab. Back up your template. Search for meta by hitting control + f (most browsers) and enter meta in the box.
Copy and paste the code below. You will need to add a greater than sign before the meta aaaand the less than sign<> after the " at the end.
Here are some meta tags you would probably want to add to your site.
This meta element defines keywords for your page:
meta name="description" content="Your description should be no more than thirty words and include some of your keywords."
meta name="keywords" content="place keyword phrases, not single keywords, descriptive keyword phrases, place keyword phrase here"
If a description tag is not found on your page, the first words of your page copy could be shown in your listing. This is what is shown when someone does a search engine search and results pop up.
Other tags you might want to include to tell the
spiders and crawlers to index the page:
meta name="GOOGLEBOT" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"
meta name="ROBOTS" content="ALL"
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