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Following the 08 Election Online

It is a mere 14 days until the Presidential election and Americans are revved up.

I have been following the excitement online at a few spots other than the big media sites.

Twitter Election 2008

They’re filtering hundreds of Twitter updates per minute to create a new source for gathering public opinion about the election and a new way for you to share your thoughts.It's a live feed that I must warn you, is very addictive. Before you know it, you will be involved and your work will not get done. You do not have to be a Twitter member to watch the feed. It is very entertaining.


This is Awesome.
Keep up-to-date on the 2008 election with Google Maps and other specialty gadgets.

Use the Primary Results Map to view outcomes of each state primary. See results down to the county level by zooming in on a particular state. I've embedded it as a gadget.

Use the Fundrace Map to track geographical campaign donor locations. Which regions are contributing the most?

Map by Huffington Post.

Use the Twitter Map to watch the world discuss politics. The messages appear in real-time from each user's location and reflect thoughts, comments, and current political news.
Map by Geary Labs.

Use the Obama's Journey Map to track Obama's journey of life, from birth to the present race for the White House. So cool.
Data by Wikipedia. Map by MIBAZAAR.

Use the McCain's Journey Map to track McCain's journey of life, from birth to the present race for the White House.
Data by Wikipedia. Map by MIBAZAAR.

Use the Search Queries Map to view Google search trends by state from the 2008 race. Click on the graph to select a specific date of search trends.

Use the Campaign Trail Map to track the candidates as they make their way around the country.

Superdelegates get to cast a vote for the nominee at the 2008 Convention, and are not obligated to vote for the candidate who won their state. This map tracks which candidate each of the delegates has endorsed for President.

Other Sites

Blogher Debates
electionchatter l
YouTube Aggregate
There are a lot of sited using the Twitter Election2008 feed. This site features a map to show you where the Tweets are coming from.

Over the next two weeks, there will be more online excitement to report on. Stay tuned.

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