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Google Gadgets for All Layouts

It really isn't that big of a deal if you've been using Blogger in Draft. But, now you can use it in regular Blogger. Google Gadgets have now been enabled for all layouts blogs.

This new interface allows for the integration of iGoogle Gadgets directly into your sidebar, with an array of customization options for easy tweaking.

You can access Gadgets from your dashboard under the Layout | Gadgets tab (the tab formerly known as "Layout | Page Elements.")

Google says that all gadgets are automatically sized to match the width of your sidebar, and their height in pixels can be adjusted using the Gadget's built-in options.

The upside is that you have many more options for your blog. The downside is that if you use too many, they'll take up space and make it a slow load for your site. Also, you need to keep checking on these as they do have a tendency to go bad every now and then. Also, many come with ads that you're not compensated for (are we stupid?).

My biggest complaint?
UUUUURRRGGGHHH. The Blog List gadget is still not fixed. What's up with that?

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