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Now that I've got everyone Twittering, I am going to tell you a little secret.
Like many of us who will admit it, I'm addicted to social networking. Social networking gives me the opportunity to interact as much as I want to or don't want to while I am doing work on the computer or other tasks. Thanks to Twitter, I can keep my mind socially interacted with while not having to deal with some of the normal issued associated with a friendship.

Like you, no doubt, I also do a myriad of different kinds of social networking. From Facebook to AIM and more. I just discovered a little friend who has made it all, and my life, much easier.

Digsby is a widget that I have installed to my desk top that signs me in to all of my social network sites at once and keeps me updated without bothering me. With Digsby, I just have to login once. Even though you can set Digsby to login on start-up, I choose not to as start-up can be slow enough as is.

Here is what it looks like;

You can customize the look of digsby
with application skins

Digby offers;

Put a widget on your blog, website,
or profile (like facebook) to chat with visitor

Life just seems to get simpler by the moment, thanks to things like Digsby.