What is a "Technorati Ranking?"
Technorati Ranking relates to the number of sources that point to your blog relative to other blogs. The more sources referencing your blog, the higher the Technorati ranking. The Technorati Ranking for a blog is displaying in URL Search results, Blog search results, and is displayed in the account profile for all claimed blogs.
Technorati Authority is the number of blogs linking to a website in the
last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has.
It is important to note that
they measure the number of blogs, rather than the number of links. So, if a blog links to your blog many times, it still only count as +1 toward your authority. Of course, new links mean the +1 will last another 180 days.
Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is the #1 ranked blog. The smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the top.
Since at the lower end of the scale many blogs will have the same Technorati Authority, they will share the same Technorati Rank.
The Technorati Top 100 shows the most popular 100 blogs based on Technorati Authority. The #1 ranked blog is the blog with the most other distinct blogs linking to it in the last 6 months. If your blog's rank is, say 305,316, this indicates that there are 305,315 blog ranks separating your blog from the #1 position.
The best way to increase your Technorati Authority is to write things that are interesting to other bloggers so they'll link to you. Linking to source material when you blog is also a great way to engage in conversation and help others find what you find interesting.
If you want to let your readers see your Technorati Authority on your blog, install the Technorati Authority widget.
<script src="http://widgets.technorati.com/t.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
<a href="http://technorati.com/blogs/{URL}?sub=tr_authority_t_ns" class="tr_authority_t_js" style="color:#4261DF">View blog authority</a>
According to Technorait , authority is determined by the number of unique blogs indexed by Technorati that have linked to yours in the past 180 days. Thus, as links from blogs age out of this window and new links are added, your authority may rise, fall, or stay the same over time. Also, if the same blog links to you many times in the past 180 days, it only counts once towards your authority though it does renew the age of link.
The link must appear in your blog reactions to be applied to your authority. If the links are not in your blog reactions, please check to see if the blogs and/or the post with the links are in Technorati. If they are not, then encourage the blog owners to ping Technorati, or better yet to claim their blogs in Technorati (gives the blog higher priority) so the blogs are submitted for review and then indexed by Technorati for their blogs and posts.
you need to get more links to get a higher rank - but look at the links the top 10 blogs - you can see a drastic rise in the number of links required to break in here. Note also the 'long tail' - a term popularized in recent years, but particularly applicable to the blogosphere.
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