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How to Earn from Blogging

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Want to get paid to blog? Maybe quit your day job too? There's many ways to monetize a blog, and you can generate revenue using advertisements, product placements, sponsored posts, affiliate products, surveys and many more. There are some dangers you need to watch out for, though, but the most ethical and effective ways to get paid blogging will be shown.


  1. If you want to monetize your blog with material products like wedding favors, pillows, and such, then try finding unique items. If you rely on drop-shippers, you might run into price competition.
  2. Search for quality info products where the creator will give you a money back guarantee.
  3. Place Adsense on your blog if you are generating 100 or more visitors per day. It doesn't pay much. However, its one of the easiest revenue sources.
  4. will give you a fee for posting a product review on your blog. However, keep in mind, a lot of bloggers consider undisclosed advertisements very unethical. So only post reviews where you are allowed to disclose that it's a paid product review. Most people don't realize that a lot of so called television news stories are really sponsored paid slots. That's why there is so many stories about the next health food, next health study, next financial product. Bloggers don't like this.


Watch Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger speak about how to place advertisements on your blog


  • Placing Adsense boxes in your content can greatly improve your advertising revenue.
  • Placing Adsense next to areas where your visitors can click something will increase blog revenue.


  • Google doesn't like paid links. If you try selling paid links on your blog to increase your revenue, your organic search engine rankings can suffer.

Things You'll Need

  • Google Adsense Account
  • ClickBank Account

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Earn from Blogging. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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Anonymous said...

u r good
i hope to get some traffic too...

Alice said...

Once the bloggers have successfully comprehended these, they surely can make the move! Blogging is easy as long you love to write and it is your passion to share. This way, it would be easier to earn as well. :D

-Alice Leighton

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