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How to Earn from Blogging

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Want to get paid to blog? Maybe quit your day job too? There's many ways to monetize a blog, and you can generate revenue using advertisements, product placements, sponsored posts, affiliate products, surveys and many more. There are some dangers you need to watch out for, though, but the most ethical and effective ways to get paid blogging will be shown.


  1. If you want to monetize your blog with material products like wedding favors, pillows, and such, then try finding unique items. If you rely on drop-shippers, you might run into price competition.
  2. Search for quality info products where the creator will give you a money back guarantee.
  3. Place Adsense on your blog if you are generating 100 or more visitors per day. It doesn't pay much. However, its one of the easiest revenue sources.
  4. will give you a fee for posting a product review on your blog. However, keep in mind, a lot of bloggers consider undisclosed advertisements very unethical. So only post reviews where you are allowed to disclose that it's a paid product review. Most people don't realize that a lot of so called television news stories are really sponsored paid slots. That's why there is so many stories about the next health food, next health study, next financial product. Bloggers don't like this.


Watch Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger speak about how to place advertisements on your blog


  • Placing Adsense boxes in your content can greatly improve your advertising revenue.
  • Placing Adsense next to areas where your visitors can click something will increase blog revenue.


  • Google doesn't like paid links. If you try selling paid links on your blog to increase your revenue, your organic search engine rankings can suffer.

Things You'll Need

  • Google Adsense Account
  • ClickBank Account

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Earn from Blogging. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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How to Use Trackback when Blogging

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

A trackback is a way for bloggers to communicate between their weblogs. If another blogger wishes to share information on the article via their own weblog, trackback will ping the original entry to notify the author of the response.


  1. At your own blog, type up the information you wish to share with your readers.
  2. In the trackback field on your blog's entry page, enter in the URL of the article you are referencing.
  3. The original blog will be notified, and an excerpt of your own entry will be created in the original article's comments along with your entry's URL.


  • In MoveableType, trackback is also called "URLs to ping"
  • In WordPress, trackback is found under the Advanced Editing (older versions) or Trackbacks (version 8.x+)
  • One of the major advantages of using trackback is they can be used as a discussion board, between different Websites communicating on similar interests and resources. The only problem of using trackbacks is that they are extremely vulnerable to spam.
  • For applying trackback it is not necessary for the both sites to be physically linked with each other.
  • Your own blog entries already have trackbacks enabled for other readers to comment remotely. When someone trackbacks to your blog their details will be listed under your own blog comments. A small title and the URL will be displayed that allows your readers to click to read more.
  • Trackback is not yet available on LiveJournal[1] (at May 2008).

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Trackback when Blogging. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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Social Networking Sites: A Parent’s Guide

“It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?”

Remember that phrase from your own childhood? It’s still a valid question, but now, it comes with a twist: “Do you know where your kids are — and who they’re chatting with online?”

Social networking sites have morphed into a mainstream medium for teens and adults. These sites encourage and enable people to exchange information about themselves, share pictures and videos, and use blogs and private messaging to communicate with friends, others who share interests, and sometimes even the world-at-large. And that’s why it’s important to be aware of the possible pitfalls that come with networking online.

Some social networking sites attract pre-teens — even kids as young as 5 or 6. These younger-focused sites don’t allow the same kinds of communication that teens and adults have, but there are still things that parents can do to help young kids socialize safely online. In fact, when it comes to young kids, the law provides some protections — and gives parents some control over the type of information that children can disclose online. For sites directed to children under age 13, and for general audience sites that know they’re dealing with kids younger than 13, there’s the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It requires these sites to get parental consent before they collect, maintain, or use kids’ information. COPPA also allows parents to review their child’s online profiles and blog pages.

Parents sometimes can feel outpaced by their technologically savvy kids. Technology aside, there are lessons that parents can teach to help kids stay safer as they socialize online.

Help Kids Socialize Safely Online

The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, urges parents to talk to their tweens and teens about social networking sites, and offers these tips for using these sites safely:

  • Help your kids understand what information should be private. Tell them why it’s important to keep some things — about themselves, family members and friends — to themselves. Information like their full name, Social Security number, street address, phone number, and family financial information — like bank or credit card account numbers — is private and should stay that way. Tell them not to choose a screen name that gives away too much personal information.
  • Use privacy settings to restrict who can access and post on your child’s website. Some social networking sites have strong privacy settings. Show your child how to use these settings to limit who can view their online profile, and explain to them why this is important.
  • Explain that kids should post only information that you — and they — are comfortable with others seeing. Even if privacy settings are turned on, some — or even all — of your child’s profile may be seen by a broader audience than you’re comfortable with. Encourage your child to think about the language used in a blog, and to think before posting pictures and videos. Employers, college admissions officers, team coaches, and teachers may view your child’s postings. Even a kid’s screen name could make a difference. Encourage teens to think about the impression that screen names could make.
  • Remind your kids that once they post information online, they can’t take it back. Even if they delete the information from a site, older versions may exist on other people’s computers and be circulated online.
  • Know how your kids are getting online. More and more, kids are accessing the Internet through their cell phones. Find out about what limits you can place on your child’s cell phone. Some cellular companies have plans that limit downloads, Internet access, and texting; other plans allow kids to use those features only at certain times of day.
  • Talk to your kids about bullying. Online bullying can take many forms, from spreading rumors online and posting or forwarding private messages without the sender’s OK, to sending threatening messages. Tell your kids that the words they type and the images they post can have real-world consequences. They can make the target of the bullying feel bad, make the sender look bad — and, sometimes, can bring on punishment from the authorities. Encourage your kids to talk to you if they feel targeted by a bully.
  • Talk to your kids about avoiding sex talk online. Recent research shows that teens who don’t talk about sex with strangers online are less likely to come in contact with a predator.

    If you’re concerned that your child is engaging in risky online behavior, you can search the blog sites they visit to see what information they’re posting. Try searching by their name, nickname, school, hobbies, grade, or area where you live.
  • Tell your kids to trust their gut if they have suspicions. If they feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something online, encourage them to tell you. You can then help them report concerns to the police and to the social networking site. Most sites have links where users can immediately report abusive, suspicious, or inappropriate online behavior.
  • Read sites’ privacy policies. Spend some time with a site’s privacy policy, FAQs, and parent sections to understand its features and privacy controls. The site should spell out your rights as a parent to review and delete your child’s profile if your child is younger than 13.

A Few More Tips to Protect Pre-Teens

Many of the tips above apply for pre-teens, but parents of younger children also can:
  • Take extra steps to protect younger kids. Keep the computer in an open area like the kitchen or family room, so you can keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. Use the Internet with them to help develop safe surfing habits. Consider taking advantage of parental control features on some operating systems that let you manage your kids’ computer use, including what sites they can visit, whether they can download items, or what time of day they can be online.
  • Go where your kids go online. Sign up for — and use — the social networking spaces that your kids visit. Let them know that you’re there, and help teach them how to act as they socialize online.
  • Review your child’s friends list. You may want to limit your child’s online “friends” to people your child actually knows and is friendly with in real life.
  • Understand sites’ privacy policies. Sites should spell out your rights as a parent to review and delete your child’s profile if your child is younger than 13.

What to do if there’s a problem

Encourage your kids to tell you if they feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something online. Then report it right away to the police and the social networking site.

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires websites to obtain parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under age 13. If a website is violating COPPA, report it to the Federal Trade Commission.

For More Information

To learn more about staying safe online, visit the websites of the following organizations:

Federal Trade Commission

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